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Archivos por Etiqueta: service

Google trademarks Photovine, hints at new photo-sharing service

Google trademarks Photovine, hints at new photo-sharing serviceWell, it looks like Google’s got the online rumor mill churning with its latest trademark application. Back on June 7th, El Goog filed a USPTO application for the name Photovine, sending sparks flying down the, er, grapevine about a possible photo-sharing program. The application cites a service dedicated to the «transmission of visual images and data by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks.» Unsurprisingly, it looks like the internet giant’s also picked up the corresponding domain name. So is Google getting ready to add photo storage to its recent suite of cloud services? Or is it looking to up its social media cred? And where does Picasa fit into all of this? One things for certain: we won’t be responsible for letting this round of speculation whither on the vine.

Twitter will have their service of photos and videos

The most important microblogging of the World Network announced the launch of its own service to include photos and videos in tweets (electronic mail), competing with the existing providers Twitpic or Yfrog, tercerizadas companies.

«We have to eliminate friction (that slow) the inclusion of photos in Twitter», explained Dick Costolo, CEO of the company, on the D9 Conference, organized by the informative website All Things Digital in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, to the West of United States).

In this way, the photos will become part of the message, instead of being only accessible when you click on a link, he added.

Unlike this business decision, the Californian company last week chose to acquire Twitter Tweetdeck message handling service rather than developing a similar service by itself.

«Millions of people share photos on a daily basis and we are going to make the task easier ever.» In the coming weeks will be about to a function that will make it possible to upload photos and attach them, directly from Twitter, to a tweet «, explained a spokesman for the company in his blog.»

It is estimated that this application will be available in about two weeks for the whole of the 200 millions of Twitter users in the world.