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Archivos por Etiqueta: recalls

Cloud Engines recalls potentially flammable Pogoplug Video

Looks like sharing videos over the cloud may be a risky task — if you’re using the box shown here on the left, that is. The Pogoplug Video hit the retail scene about two months ago, but Cloud Engines has already issued a recall after two devices nearly went up in flames. According to The Official Pogoplug Blog, the internal chip that handles video encoding can experience «thermal runaways» after long periods of use, which could cause the device to reach unsafe temperatures; this despite having a fan to keep things cool. The affected model numbers include Pogo P-11 through 14, and the company asks that owners get in contact to setup a return and refund. In the meantime, it also suggests that the units be unplugged — a good idea if you want to avoid possibly burning the house down.