Aabmnc's Blog

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Archivos por Etiqueta: quickly

Mega Button (Google Chrome): Accessing the features quickly

Life always we have been automating everything; every day we seek to do what we can but more quickly, and it is that in this way we will get unsurpassed performance, that productivity would be synonymous with success. The truth is that there are no limits to the improvements that we can find, especially in the field of computer science.

Mega Button

Many times, I needed to access Google Chrome history or bookmarks, and the procedure is not so straightforward if you do not know the keyboard shortcuts for that purpose; you have to go in a way almost as compulsory to the Tools menu, and go so looking for there. But I know how we can fix this, and is with an extension called Mega button, is excellent.

Mega button I’ve found it at Ghacks, a blog in English that I visit on a daily basis, and that I personally consider an example to follow. The truth is that this extension, turning to the issue for us, show us a bar where are the features of Chrome to access directly and quickly, just click the green button.

The features that you can do with the Mega button are as follows:

Bookmarks and favorite pages guardadasHistorial of Web pages that you’ve visitadoÁrea of plugins and extensions instaladasDescargas made and DNS procesoÁrea information detalladaConsumo of memory by the navegadorCaché of web pages saved

I really liked, and I know that some will think that how «I waste» a post for this, which I sincerely respect, but I do not agree, because really this extension I liked for its functionality and easy accessibility that will allow us to make different operations.

Web link | Mega Button