Aabmnc's Blog

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Archivos por Etiqueta: improved

Google Chrome 12: improved the speed, security, new features

If in Blog software announced many times that programs like Google Chrome and similar published their new versions, we would have hundreds of daily posts, but it is not so, because you always have to give a margin of importance to certain types of articles and I commented in this case, the new stable version that it has released the good Google of its Chrome.

It’s Google Chrome 12 and as always, brings different very relevant developments of which we cannot speak, because of their relevance in the field of the browser.

The following list, say some of the most important characteristics of this post:

3D acceleration hardware to CSSNueva style sheets protection on the navigation when you download archivosHabilidad to remove cookies from flash within the navegadorPuedes run applications from the Super ChromeLas bar settings now are integrated in the sincronizaciónMejora reading on the screen completaEn Mac, when you press the Q command, you get an advertenciaAhora is Google GearsCorregidos eliminated different bugs, problems, incompatibilities, etc.

Definitely, in my opinion, Google Chrome is still the best browser for all their benefits, and because every day is improving remarkably. There is not much to keep talking, to make room for other browser-related posts, also some other free programs, and issues that have great importance in Blog software.

By the way, that to update Google Chrome it can make from the official website, from the same browser in the area of’ about’ or wait to update automatically.


Google Chrome 12: improved the speed, security, new features

If in Blog software announced many times that programs like Google Chrome and similar published their new versions, we would have hundreds of daily posts, but it is not so, because you always have to give a margin of importance to certain types of articles and I commented in this case, the new stable version that it has released the good Google of its Chrome.

It’s Google Chrome 12 and as always, brings different very relevant developments of which we cannot speak, because of their relevance in the field of the browser.

The following list, say some of the most important characteristics of this post:

3D acceleration hardware to CSSNueva style sheets protection on the navigation when you download archivosHabilidad to remove cookies from flash within the navegadorPuedes run applications from the Super ChromeLas bar settings now are integrated in the sincronizaciónMejora reading on the screen completaEn Mac, when you press the Q command, you get an advertenciaAhora is Google GearsCorregidos eliminated different bugs, problems, incompatibilities, etc.

Definitely, in my opinion, Google Chrome is still the best browser for all their benefits, and because every day is improving remarkably. There is not much to keep talking, to make room for other browser-related posts, also some other free programs, and issues that have great importance in Blog software.

By the way, that to update Google Chrome it can make from the official website, from the same browser in the area of’ about’ or wait to update automatically.

Web link | Google Chrome