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Archivos por Etiqueta: Belgrades

Strawberry Tree brings free, solar-powered charging to Belgrade’s BlackBerrys, more (video)

Renewable energy in the palm of your hand

A public solar-powered mobile device charging point called the «Strawberry Tree» in the
centre of Belgrade’s Obrenovac district is attracting users of all ages, informing about
sustainable energy, and inspiring youth to behave responsibly.

Milos? Milisavljevi was just 17 years old when the inspiration hit him. He was working on a
school project on sustainable energy. «We wanted to find the best ways of promoting
renewable energy, and knew that to do that we needed to reach people’s emotions.
Everybody has their own problems. To capture their attention we needed to make something
from which they will personally benefit.»

Knowing that five billion mobile telephones are in use around the world, and that the number
will only grow, Milisavljevi connected the dots.

«I thought that maybe we could help by building a station where people could use solar
power in public spaces to recharge their telephones and other mobile devices like iPods.» he
said. «This introduces a direct trigger: solar power is relevant. Solar power provides

This idea that Milisavljevi hatched in high school is now a reality. The original proto-types
and models were entirely self-financed. He approached the Belgrade municipality, and city
officials quickly recognised the value of the project, built the charger and installed it in the
Obrenovac district of Belgrade.

Now called a «Strawberry Tree,» the first station was installed in November 2010. In its first
40 days of use, 10,000 charging sessions were logged. That equates to an average of about
10 sessions every hour! There is no charge to users to plug-in to the power source. «Energy
from the sun is free, and it would be unethical to charge people to use the Strawberry Tree,»
Milisavljevi explained. Belgrade has plans to build and install three more stations around the
city in the coming months.

Each charging sessions takes about 10-15 minutes. Milisavljevi maintains that the charging
station also offers a social benefit. As the users wait, they have no choice but to gather
around the tree. «Discussion of the benefits of solar power is inevitable as people congregate
in the shadows of the Strawberry Tree,» he says. «We are trying to inspire young people to
think about the source of the energy they use, and behave and act responsibly.»

A true entrepreneur, Milisavljevi organises his renewable energy projects within the NGO he
created called «Strawberry Energy.» What’s behind the name? «We like the symbolism of
strawberries. They are the first fruit of the spring season. That represents leadership,
innovation. Plus, in ancient times the strawberry was a symbol for love and perfection. That
works for us, too.»

Milisavljevi , now 22, plans to finish his studies in electrical engineering this autumn, and
then head off to complete a masters degree. But meanwhile, Strawberry Energy is in
negotiations with several other cities in Serbia and the surrounding interested in introducing a
charging point in their local communities. «Our sole desire is to spread the word of
sustainable energy and try to make the world a better place, as much as we can.»