Aabmnc's Blog

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Scientists restore memory of drugged rats, hope to do the same with people

 Is there anything we can’t learn from drugged up rats? Researchers at Wake Forest University and the University of Southern California used a group of medicated rodents to demonstrate a method by which memory can be restored with the flick of a switch. The rats were outfitted with tiny, rat-sized electrodes and exposed to pharmacological substances, which caused them to forget the connection between pushing a lever and getting water. By turning the electronic switch on, the scientists restored the rats’ memory of the task — turning it off made them forget again. The next step in the process is testing the experiment out on primates and perhaps some day utilizing the research to benefit victims of strokes, Alzheimer’s, or injury-induced memory loss.

PositivefeedbackMe – enviando y recibiendo feedbacks positivos entre nuestros conocidos

Como personas, y en sus casos como empresas, tenemos nuestras cosas buenas y nuestras cosas malas. Lo malo es que muchas veces se amplifican y se publican las cosas malas y se dejan de lado, incluso en el olvido, las cosas buenas a la hora de enviar cualquier feedback. Es por ello por lo que existe PositiveFeedbackMe, una sencilla herramienta pensaba para enviar y recibir feedbacks positivos.

Y lo hace de manera recíproca, permitiendo a cualquier usuario recibir feedback positivo como enviarlo a su círculo de conocidos, pudiendo ser éstos amigos, familiares, compañeros de trabajo o clientes, categorías que determinará a la hora de enviar el feedback.

Se permite añadir a otros usuarios como amigos e incluso permite promocionar el enlace propio a otras plataformas para que los amigos de estas plataformas también puedan enviar sus propios feedbacks positivos.

Askthedaytrader – preguntas y respuestas en temas financieros

AskTheDayTrader es un servicio de preguntas y respuestas enfocado a temas financieros, donde los usuarios son los que establecerán las preguntas bajo una serie de categorías predefinidas, comprometiéndose a un pago en función del nivel de detalle que quiera obtener la respuesta.

De esta manera, cuando cualquier usuario realice una pregunta, en caso de que reciba respuesta, recibirá vía correo electrónico una porción del mismo instándole además al pago para recibir la respuesta completa. Evidentemente, las respuestas son ofrecidas por expertos especializados en temas financieros, escogidos por la propia AskTheDayTrader bajo una serie de criterios. Y como es obvio, los usuarios pueden valorar las respuestas para dar muestras de su grado de satisfacción.

Janetter: Twitter client for Windows very powerful and customizable

Personally, I think that both Facebook and Twitter, are two of the social networks that have more and more popular as they are the most important sites of the Internet. I liked the fact that the world is more globalized through these social networks with the use of them. There is more communication instantly, all trusted what happens.


Therefore, on this occasion, I commented on Janetter, a free application for Windows, available in English, allows us to keep us abreast of what is happening on our Twitter.

Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, etc. And its most prominent features would highlight:

A lot of different designs and themes disponiblesAlto performance in speed of respuestaSoporta start multiple sesionesSe can see different users of TwitterDe be compatible, can see raisins images thumbnail in the tweetsCuando the mouse for a short link, it shows you the link Royal easier to understand how it shows the tweetsMuestra tweets chronologically as it should be serSoporte to save the tweets in the equipoEs configurable and customizable; You can hide users tweets específicosCuando public a new tweet, you can add your image if quieresAcortar URL’s automatically with bit.ly or goo. glTambién is compatible with the role of autocompletarSoporte for geo-search with maps virtualesLos notices of new products come in an emergenteTambién window accounts with a window to make translations

Definitely liked much Janetter for its good number of features.


Microsoft to malware: your AutoRunning days on Windows are numbered

Beware, malware. The Windows AutoRun updates for Vista and XP SP3 that Microsoft released in February have so far proven successful in thwarting your file corrupting ways. Although Windows 7 was updated to disable AutoPlay within AutoRun for USB drives — freezing the ability for a virus to exploit it — the aforementioned versions had remained vulnerable up until right after January. Fast-forward to the period between February and May of this year, and the updates have reduced the number of incidents by 1.3 million compared to the three months prior for the supported Vista and XP builds. Amazingly, when stacked against May of last year, there was also a 68 percent decline in the amount of incidents reported across all builds of Windows using Microsoft’s Malicious Software Remove Tool. There’s another fancy graph after the break to help illustrate, and you’ll find two more along with a full breakdown by hitting the source link down under.

Flixtime: Online video Editor free to create them with music and photos

Thank you very much I remember always that expression in the propaganda of Open English where that plays clumsy said that «that the Internet will happen fashion»; much laughter to me gives me because every day we are really innovating; practically we are more than necessary in a world that is rapidly changing. It is my perception. And I’m right.


And this time I will speak about Flixtime, a practical, versatile video editor to which we can get much benefit because it allows editions online without problem.

The main thing you need to do the user before you can use Flixtime is to create an account for free, what seems a little negative, since many will no longer use it for your little desire to do that, the fact of registration. Although it is free, just that bothers, all alike. The truth is that it is available now in Spanish as you can see.

Flixtime allows you to add your photos, videos/songs, to create new videos from the same, although it has a restriction that only you can create videos of 60 seconds. By the way that this web tool generates hosted videos in flash format on the same site and you can share them with your friends giving the URL. A fairly complete page, and versatile.

Now that I am speaking of sharing, I commented that with Flixtime , you can share the videos in a vast majority of the sites social as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, among others; It generates the video files in various resolutions, such as HD or Full HD-quality. A good utility!

Seen in WWWhat’s New

New York Post blocks iPad access through Safari browser, hopes you’ll pay for a subscription instead

 Well, that’s one way to make people pay for puns. The New York Post, that bastion of fair, balanced, and not-at-all sensationalistic reporting, has blocked iPad owners from reading its stories through the tablet’s Safari browser. If folks want the full spill on Hugh Hefner getting ditched at the altar, they’ll be prompted to download the iOS app, which requires signing up for a subscription starting at $6.99 on a month-to-month basis. Setting aside News Corp.’s hubris for a moment, what’s odd about this is the number of workarounds Rupert Murdoch & Co. left us cheapskates. You can still read the site on a desktop browser or a phone, including an Android one. Basically, then, News Corp. is strangling web access, but only for a select group of readers. That’s a stark contrast from other content providers (even the News Corp-owned Wall Street Journal), which have been more platform-agnostic. Then again, there’s the dim possibility that News Corp. targeted the iPad in an effort to re-brand the Post as a glossier sort of tabloid, à la The Daily. To which we say, that’s some wishful thinking there, Rupe.

Receipt Racer makes printing fun, wastes more paper than you ever thought possible (video)

Sure, you could use your printer to spit out spreadsheets, but how about hooking up a DualShock 3 to play it like a video game? That’s exactly what Joshua Noble and the undef duo did during a workshop related to OFFF last week, and the result is stunning (if not hilarious). The trio coded a game in openFrameworks, titled Receipt Racer, which uses a thermal receipt printer modded with a «light beamer» to display game info and represent a car, a DS3 to control it, and a laptop to connect the devices and run the software. A random track with obstacles gets rapidly printed while a player attempts to navigate it without crashing — sort of like Lane Splitter — or until the paper roll runs out after 164 feet. There’s a tree-loving web browser version and the full details of how it works in the source link below. We scored just over 1,400 1,752 points; let us know how you do in the comments.


Inhabitat’s Week in Green: transparent airplanes, photovoltaic subdivisions and a wind-powered yacht

Green transportation soared through the skies this week as Inhabitat reported on Airbus’ plans for a transparent airplane, and we showcased a crazy working hover bike capable of flying up to 10,000 feet. We were also excited to see China begin to roll out high-speed rail across Asia and we spotted several out-of-this world Frankenstein vehicles — a Mercedes-Benz bus train in Bolivia and a wind-powered yacht that doubles as an airplane.

It was a momentous week for energy news as well, as Italians voted to end the use of nuclear power, and we took a look inside Germany’s Wunderland Kalkar Amusement Park, which is built inside of a decommissioned nuclear plant. Solar power also had its moment in the sun as Enfinity unveiled two gorgeous photovoltaic-laden landscapes in Les Mées, France and Bangladesh announced that one million of the country’s homes are powered by photovoltaic panels. We even spotted a new type of flexible generator that could be built into shoes to produce power as you walk.

This week we were also excited to unveil the winners of our Bright Ideas Lighting Design Competition — the elegant geometric Tetra Pak Lamp, the gorgeous glowing Nourishment Lamp, and the cute cork Pinha Pendant Light. We also launched our new Ask a Tech Geek Series where gadget guru extraordinaire Peter Rojas answers your questions about green technology, and we reported on one Japanese researcher’s dubious plan to create an artificial meat substitute from poop. Finally, we shared an awesome steampunk rotary smartphone and a set of fun foldable Paper Punk robots that are perfect for terrorizing your coworkers’ cubicles.

Antivirus Avast! you already have version for Mac OS X under development

A few days ago, I spoke about the version for Mac OS X of CCleaner, the best program for cleaning and maintenance Windows. It seems that software developers you are being targeted to the Apple system, because they see him as a potential alternative market and in that sense I’ve noticed that the Avast antivirus is available in beta! for Mac.

Avast! para Mac

Obviously, is a ‘beta’ version, which is to say is that it is still in development phase, for which its use is not recommended for users with knowledge are basic knowledge, although teams from the Apple I do not think they are in this type of users, but rather, those who have much more solid knowledge.

As usual, Avast! It has a reputation that worked very well for many years; that same conviction which has with its Windows users, insurance will win much scope with fellow users of the Apple computers. Operation, a word that has some meaning in applications is something that detail below:

Has protection in real time for the automatic sistemaEscaneo of external USBProtección for our protection redOfrece files for mail electrónicosActualiza your database automatically

Days ago I was thinking about buying an iMac, to begin with that world, that on many occasions has captured my attention but I have never defined anything so far.

And finally, commented that I am very happy this news, because you see the progress and that is the best of the free programs that do not require that you pay them because the future will bring them good things, but that with the undertaking offer good products, succeed.

By the way, this news I have seen in Quiviger, a blog that I quite recommend.