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Change MAC address with Technitium MAC Address Changer Windows

Previously, when studying at the University, and taught us networks and all of this is inevitable to recall how the professors warned us that changing the MAC address of a network card was almost impossible. Surprise mine, when I see in Addictive Tips (blog that I recommend to all users of Blog software) a rather interesting free software.

Technitium MAC Address Changer

The name of the program is technitium MAC address changer that is compatible with all Windows that you know, since 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 2003, via Server. It is only in English, as you can see in the screenshot above. The installation file is only 1.26 MB, which is really a very insignificant size for the awesome that is.

Before continuing, I commented that technitium MAC address changer is a program that should be treated very carefully, because it is for advanced usage, not any user can give the luxury of using it, because it actually has many technical words in the field of wireless networks, and its misuse could cause catastrophic problems on our network.

technitium MAC address changer allows you to: generate a random MAC, change it as you want, renew IP, relaunch IP, disable the DHCP protocol among others. In the screen it shows you all network connections that are available with its corresponding MAC address.

Finally, technitium MAC address changer is a tool for advanced use.

Web link | Technitium MAC Address Changer

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